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Macbook End Key

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If you are anything like me, you love using the home and end key to quickly move to the start/end of a line of text. But, in Apple MacBook Pro, there is no default home/end key! I searched the internet and found Command + Left/Right to the rescue on OS X.
  1. Explore the world of Mac. Check out MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support.
  2. If your Mac doesn't have a Home or End button then you can replicate their functionality by holding Fn (bottom left) and using Left and Right arrow keys. Home: Fn and Left arrow.
Macbook End Key

Alt key on Mac is indeed exist. And it's called Option key. Hp scan software windows 10 64 bit. 3d max pc software free download. Windows vs Mac—there are so many differences. Gear 360 mac software. A lot of our customers have used a PC before and then decide they want to switch to Mac for better performance, nicer design, or for better security.

But, then I installed windows 7 on my Mac and it was nightmare to edit without the home/end keys. Today I just found that you can use fn+ Left/Right for this purpose! Hurray! It makes my time with Microsoft office and Visual studio much happier, again :-)


Thanks! needed this too! VS2010 is a pain without those 2 keys!

End Key Macbook Pro

This is amazing!! I am exactly looking for this!! Cheers!

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